Dental Implants in Bristol with Dr Mark Gillis


Dental Implants in Bristol
with Dr Mark Gillis


Single Tooth Replacement

A single missing tooth can be replaced using a dental implant. The titanium implant is inserted into the site of the missing tooth and a ceramic crown is attached. This provides a fixed replica of the missing tooth which supports itself and does not require any drilling or preparation of the adjacent teeth.

Multiple Teeth Replacement

Multiple missing teeth may be replaced using implant supported bridges as shown.  It is not always necessary to place one implant per missing tooth and the appropriate placement of the implants allows construction of fixed ceramic bridgework which fills the large span of missing teeth.

Replacement Of All Teeth

Removable dentures can often cause discomfort due to movement during function and a small number of dental implants can be used to achieve stability of the dentures.  Special locator attachments enable the dentures to fit onto the implants providing a stable fit whilst the patient can still remove the denture for cleaning.

Alternatively, a larger number of dental implants may be placed in the jaw and a fixed ceramic prosthesis is designed which provides a rigid non-removable replacement of all the teeth.

Oral Surgery

Oral surgery services include the assessment and removal of problematic wisdom teeth, surgical extractions, apicectomies, bone grafting and removal of intra-oral hard and soft tissue lesions.

Dental Anxiety

Intravenous conscious sedation is a safe and effective way to remove dental anxiety and enable nervous patients to address their dental health needs.  Many patients have long standing issues which have prevented them having regular dental visits and sedation is an effective aid to addressing this problem and helps to build up confidence for the future.  Sedation can be used to assist all dental procedures, please contact us to arrange a consultation if you feel this would be helpful for you.

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